Learnings In Purposive Communication

       We as a human being we need to communicate with people in order to survive.
According to John Donne "no man is an island"
means that no one is truly self-sufficient,
everyone must rely on the company and comfort of others in order to thrive. We need to socialize and communicate because it means for survival. Communication is transferring message from one person to another person. Communication involves atleast one sender, a message and a recipient. The first lesson that I've learned is all about the four macro skills which are the speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Reading and Listening are called receptive skills because when we listen and read something we receive the language, understand it and decode the meaning.
Speaking and writing are called productive skills because we use the language to produce a message through speech or written text. Productive skills are really important form of expression used to persuade or convince other people to share ideas and feelings.
We have discussed also the Principles of Effective Communication by Michael Osborn or the 9 C's which are concreteness, correctness, conciseness, consideration, courtesy, clarity, cultural sensetivity, captivating and creativity. It is said that when we are communicating with other people we need to be polite with our audience and be specific of your words so that the listeners will easily understand what you said. We need also to consider our differences and be sensetive about the culture of others or should I say your audience. Then, if we are going to have a speech in front  of many people, the clarity of our voice is really important.

        The next topic in Purposive communication is the ethical consideration in communication. I learned that we should respect our audience, we need to consider the result of the communication, value truth, use information correctly, and do not falsify. I have learned about the intercultural communication which refers to interaction with people from diverse cultures (Jandt, 1998). It has also different forms, one is the interracial communication which involve people from different races, and the interethnic communication which refers to the interaction with people of different ethnic origin, second, is the international communication which is the communication between representatives from different nations, last is the intracutural communication which is the interaction with the members of the same racial, ethnic group or co-culture. In the next lesson we discussed about varieties and registers of spoken and written language (MAHBOOB 2014). It talks about the variety also called as "lect", it is a specific form of language cluster.  Then, the register that explains the level of formality in language that is determined by a certain context. According to the reporters there are also 8 domain in which language varies, the local everyday written, local everyday oral, local specialized written, local specialized oral, global everyday written, global everyday oral, global specialized written, and local specialized oral. In Lesson 5 is about evaluating messages and/or images of different types of text reflecting different cultures which was tackled of our classmates, they have discussed about the different kinds of media, the print media like the newspapers and magazines, the other one is the broadcast media, an example of this is TV and radio, there are also outdoor or out of home (OOH) media like billboards, and the last one is the internet we are all familiar of. And the last topic that we have discussed is all about the communication aids strategies using tools and technology.

         It is a vital to study purposive communication because through this, we can have a better communication and we can learn how to consider the cultures of others.  Through purposive communication we can be a good communicator internationally and globally.
Purposive communication is more than just plainly communicating with other people with a purpose. It is somehow a totality of the different ways of communicating that includes, writing, speaking and presenting to different audiences. In other words, it is a subject that would help us to convey more of the message to our listeners/readers and receivers.
It is a vital skill to learn. It would help us to communicate well and it would help develop the communicative competence that would make us communicate effectively. It is not just important to our course, rather it is important for everybody else' as well since all of us need to communicate in order to understand and to be understood.
